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Oracle Card Reading

Gain wisdom and clarity through guidance

Service Description

I’ll pull cards from my oracle decks and perform an intuitive reading to dig deeply into anything you’d like to discuss or discover. You may find a single drawing can fill a whole hour. Sometimes there's more to learn! We can do multiple drawings from the same deck or add other decks. It's all based on you and what information you want to receive. Before we begin, find a space where you won’t be disturbed during the session. After we’re done, I’ll send the recording along with pictures of the cards we pulled and descriptions of them. There will be a Zoom created automatically for you; if you'd like to come in-person, the address is: 601 E Fort Ave - Unit B Baltimore, MD 21230

45 min
111 US dollars
Riverside Neighborhood Retreat

Cancellation Policy

All sessions can be canceled or rescheduled up to day-of booking. We understand that energy work happens when it's supposed to. Email us at to reschedule as needed.

Contact Details

  • 601 East Fort Avenue, Baltimore, MD, USA

    (410) 929-0496

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